Category: Uncategorized

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

  • A purpose for the next 5 years of my life

    a. Initial framing 1. A situation of emergenc(e)(y).  Keywords: Liminal situation. A time between worlds. Metamodernity. Anthropocene. Capitalocene. Social movements theory. Transition management. [Image] The multilevel and multifaceted crisis we are experiencing (ecological, social, moral, imaginative…) demands a fast and deep response. There’s a profound consensus, both at the scientific and civil sphere, about that […]

  • Design overtables: The worlds we make

    Several decades have passed after the bold declaration from Victor Papanek of Design as a political endeavour with potential deadly consequences. It was his one of the first voices to point out our responsibility as designers in mediating the everyday life of people by giving form to tools, technologies, interfaces… Nevertheless in a historical moment […]

  • TAZ: exploring emerging scenarios through performative fiction

    It’s been a while since the last time I wrote about my final project process. During the past weeks I have been trying to take action and get out of the theorizing loop. This is one of the main learnings I am doing process-wise. I tend to get too hooked up into the process of  […]

  • Making sense of 1st final term project

    During the past weeks I have been trying hard to converge into a topic to be the focus of my final term project. During that process I synthesized a map with the different terrains that I have been exploring since I started this learning journey.  Problem space for the project of the first term I […]

  • Design for the New: s1, s2 & s3

    Session 1 What did we do? During the past months students have been crafting a future vision and have been informally thinking about various interventions to approach it. The goal of this first session was to share a theoretical scaffold for understanding change through the perspective of social practices. For doing so first we suggested […]

  • Facilitating change: a workshop

    My last weeks have been focused around two main tasks and deliverables: the course on design transitions we are facilitating in the Masters in Design for Emerging Futures and the development of a workshop around facilitating, participatory leadership and art of hosting which I conducted for inèdit. These past weeks I have being lagging behind […]

  • Hello worlds skin folds

    This the first post of what will be my learning log during the next 12 months.